Monday, January 18, 2010

Hot People See the Signs

No, that was not just a reference to another hilariously bad song of my youth (oh...Swedish campy). I was back in Halifax over the holidays and over the time I spent with some of my friends I realized that I really do need to be a big girl soon. Last time we chatted, I was talking about how I really need to be a big girl...and I've gotta say, I'm off to a bad start.

Although my resolve to have better taste in music has gone well thus far (I've downloaded all but one of last installment's suggested albums...I'm listening to one now...I am such a hot music-listener), my first instinct when at HMV was to make a beeline for the Glee soundtracks. Not that Glee isn't excellent television viewing...but for many 14-year-old girls also bought not just vol. 1 but vol. 2 as well? How many? I mean...Finn's just so dreamy, so how can you blame me, but still!?!

But my hilarious taste in music isn't the only thing I've been having trouble shaking. I've spoken a few times about my penchant for debating (and also my complete acknowledgement that it's a sport for NERDS!!!). Without going into the details and the ins and outs of parliamentary debate, it is an activity that has been with me since my first day of frosh week (when I was accosted by a girl telling me I looked intelligent...she had me at hello) and has continued for the last 8 1/2 years. Some of my best and oldest friends were made through this activity and I owe it a lot. Unfortunately, the trade-off that comes with having these great friends is that I find myself the oldest person (by far) at social gatherings, telling stories of debating debauchery past, only to realize that I'm talking about a time when they were still in junior high (and increasingly, under the age of 10...eep). To illustrate, I was invited to an illicit New Year's Eve party. I only discovered the host's Mom didn't know about it the next morning, after a significant amount of destruction had occurred. It's really an "I get older, they stay the same age" kind of thing...which would be find if I was just contributing my time and expertise to the craft of competitive debate. Unfortunately, I sometimes find myself attracted to boys who make me feel, when I think about how old they are, like this:

(Get it...I'm a cougar...hilarious!).

Sometimes, it's hard to remind myself that I am not impervious to the powers of time and that I DO get older, despite my best efforts. Sometimes this results in childish behaviour in hilarious attempts to recapture my vigorous youth, like buying Glee soundtracks, or kissing boys with ABANDON.

My friends say that hot people do whatever they want, and I've gotta say that I definitely wanted to do both of those things. But I also really want to be an adult. Stat.

Last week, these colliding desires faced off in real life. It was kind of messy. I agreed to judge at a high school debate tournament hosted by my old know...just one last shot in the arm. Although many of my very best old friends were there, I found myself increasingly surrounded by people reminding me of how old I was alive when the Berlin Wall fell or I remember a time before the widespread use of cellular telephones. Truthfully, they were just being evil. At the same time, I knew that in three days I had an interview for a big girl job.

It was super difficult to reconcile my wish to stay an adolescent forever with my wish to actually grow up and do something constructive with my life. So difficult that it actually made me sorta depressed (and cranky...sorry guys...). At some point over the evening's post-tournament social, one of the party-goers reminded me of something that's just amazing for drowning ones' sorrows. This was my first of the evening:

To be perfectly honest, I don't know how much I had to drink that night, and there are some patchy parts of the evening. We know this is not a completely new phenomenon for me.

I am sure of a few things.

1. I definitely drunk-dialed my Dad's girlfriend. I did this for two reasons. For one thing, I thought it was 12:30 a.m. and not 2:30 a.m. I was wrong. For another, I thought she was out with my Dad and not at home sleeping. Wrong again.

2. Drunk Handsy Miss T made an appearance. My old friends are familiar with her; she's the me who gets in her cups and then puts her arm around everyone and stands too close and leans on people. Especially when they're boys. Typically I just cite drunkenness and an inability to control my extremities due to the extreme liquor-soakedness of the motor control parts of my brain. But let's be honest. I'm flirting. I've always been flirting. I've always known I was flirting. I've just never admitted it. On that evening, though, I was called on it. However, instead of sputtering about how it's the booze, I came clean. I said it was fun. And that it didn't mean anything more than that. And it was true. And super liberating to say it. And I felt pretty smooth (perhaps in real life it wasn't smooth at all...but my memory of it is the most important thing). I feel like hot people are unapologetically flirty, and often without an agenda. Even the grown-up ones.

3. I grossly overused a number of stock phrases. I need to stop saying the following: "You're my faves" (said to anyone who amuses me...pluralised so other faves don't get jealous...whispered to people for extra effect when I really want them to know I appreciate them) and "Fair..." (response to any statement for which I have no adequate response, or any statement with which I disagree but for which am too drunk to formulate an articulate counterargument). I hope nobody was following me around with a tape recorder that night.

I'm not entirely sure how I got home, though I'm sure it was at the hands of a very understanding and benevolent cab driver (or, at least, I was missing a cab-fare-ish amount of cash from my wallet in the morning). I'm sure you're expecting that the next day was distinctly unpleasant for me. Not so. When I awoke, I was, though a little slow on the draw, miraculously unhungover.

I take this as a sign...or a gift...or a gift-sign. That was the last time I am allowed to do that. It was my last hurrah of ridonkulous drunkenness. The powers that be are trying their damnedest to make my coming-of-age as painless as possible, despite my best efforts to make it hurt so bad.

Incidentally, when I did go to that job interview, I did act particularly adult. So adult that they offered me the job. And I'm gonna take it (resolution #2, complete within 20 days...score!). This means another move...but probably not for a few weeks. In the interim, I'm taking this time as a period of last hurrahs. Just as that night was my last night of sloppy drunk Miss T and the Glee Soundtrack was my last bad music purchase, the next few weeks will be spent enjoying the now guilty pleasures of my late teens and early twenties, so I can say goodbye to them in style and embrace my new life as an employed, adult (and hopefully, one day) hot person.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hot People Continuously Improve

Just after Christmas, I was sitting in the airport waiting for my flight with Porter, wearing the hat I had just knit for myself (it's hilariously too big, but I guess that's how the kids wear them these days) and an American Apparel bandeau under my carefully colour-coordinated scoop neck and cardi, with my well-used bags and my brand new ipod.

As I was sitting there, engaging in self-reflection, I realized I had achieved something special. I SO want to be the kind of girl who wears American Apparel merch and handmade outerwear. I want to be the girl waiting at the gate of an alternative discount airline (where the flight attendants wear pillbox caps), listening to music on a $300 piece of digital genius.

The only thing that wasn't quite right is that I was definitely listening to Aerosmith (circa 2001, no less...embarrassing) and not Belle and Sebastian (or some way indie-er indie band that I'm too out of it to have even heard of).

So in the spirit of never quite being perfect, I started thinking about my New Year's resolutions.

1. Plan Abtastic. Obvs. This must start in earnest in 2010 (I know it's already started, but I'm on by 2010, I mean January 12th, 2010). This may mean I have to stop eating Brie wheels like one might eat an apple. It may also mean that I can't pretend that kissing boys is a reasonable alternative to actual exercise (although I keep finding myself making this justification, despite the ill-advisedness of the kissing in general).

2. Be employed. I've been working on this since late November, but it's one I desperately need to fulfill. Desperately. I've been a student for 8 and a half years, and while I would never say I was "starving" (see: plan abtastic), I'm starting to feel the pinchy, and I'm starting to feel like I want to be (gasp!) an adult. One with adult furniture and plates I bought myself and haircuts I didn't get in somebody's basement.

Interestingly, yesterday I kind of got a job offer. It was an interesting paradox, as I was getting a ride from my Daddy to meet my friend so I could stay for supper, and talking on the cell-phone I needed help from my Mommy to get (yes, even at the tender age of 25!). As I was talking, my father kept whispering at me to say "Yes." instead of "Yeah, uh-huh, awesome, etc."

I'm pretty sure I'll be employed by year's end, but this adulthood thing is concerning to me. I can't even stop TALKING like a 14-year-old.

3. Learn to speak French. My Dad's a French teacher. It would then follow that I can speak French. Not so. I remember being cornered in grade 10 by a student teacher while I was waiting outside my French class (taught by my father...yeah...high school was kind of messed), and she asked me in French if we spoke it at home. She was super disappointed when I answered, in English "No, we don't. We're English," as my classmates snorted at me with ridicule. Well, it turns out my unilingualism is finally biting me in the ass. It'll be difficult to attain resolution 2, job offer notwithstanding, without achieving this goal. but French is the language of love, yes? So I should think of night-school French classes as hotness lessons, right?

4. Learn to play the guitar. Last year, I kept only one resolution, but made about ten. The only one I was able to keep was learning to knit. Anyway, I feel like hot people play open mic nights, and lead the chorus at beach bonfires, etc. I also feel like a guitar is way more portable than my piano (which I actually play very well, thanks). So, I'm going to learn to play guitar (at least a few songs). Step 1, get guitar. Step 2, learn to play it. I feel pretty confident because my track record with "learning to" do stuff has been pretty good. Like, 100% success over one year. The hidden advantage of this is that I also kind of feel like guitar instuctors are hot (since they also, obviously, play guitar), and this is obviously a score for me.

5. Have better taste in music. I was actually super-ashamed to say what I was listening to in the airport just after Christmas. There is really no excuse for my embarrassing taste in music. I know it's bad. The worst of it is I have a number of friends who are musicians and one who is actually quite a well-respected music critic. I must listen to better music. I must.

In that spirit, I have opened up the comments section of the blog. Please contribute to the late music education of this girl who has extended her adolescence (including its music) far too long, by posting your personal hot people can't live without this album pick. Please.