'Nuff said, I think. (But since this is a blog, I'll say more anyway)
The Indian food was ill-advised from the beginning. I've had this craving for samosas for-EVAH, and on Friday the urge was just too great. Unfortunately, living about a block away from one of the greatest Indian Restaurants of ALL TIME (possibly not ALL time, but it has take-out, so I'm not picky) does not help you resist this urge.
This would be fine if I had only ordered samosas...but since I knew I had a weekend in front of the computer banging out case studies and strategic plans, I thought "Why not? Why don't I order a full meal?" So I did...I got appetizers, bread, main and dessert. My reasoning was that, since I'm single, I can do whatever the heck I want. I only have myself to worry about. I'm not a slave to anyone else's tastes. I'm not a slave to anyone else's pocketbook, either!
(interesting fact: my pocketbook certainly can't sustain impromptu Indian food Fridays for more than...really...ever - therefore, I am a slave to my own pocketbook...a very bad slave)
Against my better economic judgement, I ordered a delicious full-course meal. Again, this would be fine - if this particular restaurant offered single servings - which it doesn't.
So I've been eating Indian food all weekend. My mouth is thanking me, absolutely. I love, love, love Indian food with its spiciness and its many, many aromas. My stomach, however, has been very angry at me all weekend.
Why I thought it would be a SUPER idea to shake up my angry stomach by going for a run is a mystery to me. Why I added ice cream to the mix is like a mystery within a mystery. A super secret mystery, if you will.
My extreme laziness over the past few weeks (see: Miss T FAILS to ride her bike EVER), as well as my relative office-chair-boundness over the weekend inspired me to go for a run this evening. When you read this and imagine my voice, it may sound nonchalant, as though I could go for a run anytime and it wouldn't be a big deal. This is not the case. When I go for a run, I work up to it. I tell people about my plan to go for a run in order to be sure that they know I'm a serious amateur athlete (if I were saying that out loud, I'd have trouble stifling my laughter - and you'd probably have to smother a giggle with a well-placed cough or two). I keep my used running clothes around until people come over in order to prove to people that I have, indeed, gone for a run (this is not true...but it is an idea I might try sometime).
While I was running, I was pondering the contributing factors to my recent purchase of the Indian food and my resulting discomfort and I realized that I bought it because nothing was stopping me from buying it. I bought it because I WANTED IT!
***Trite, uber-lame self-realization to follow - WARNING!!!***
And THIS made me realize that the only thing keeping me from reaching my goal of hotness is me, now that I only have myself to look out for. I'm the only thing keeping me from doing anything. Like with the Indian food, I can do whatever the heck I want. I just have to want to do it.
So now that I know that I am the only thing that can get in my way, nothing can get in my way (except, empirically speaking, me)! Naysayers, be damned! Laws of physics, be damned! Sleep, be damned!*
*For those of you who ACTUALLY know me...I promise not to become a speed freak so I can study all night to ace my finals while at the same time practicing for my audition for a spandex pop trio, although we all know that I would be so excited (and so scared) to do both of these things at the same time.**
**I cannot take credit for this fabulous SBTB reference. If you deserve thanks, you probably know who you are.
Not Quite Legal Advice
11 years ago